When the rescued need to be rescued......

Closing Pet Rescue, Inc.

   I finally would take a stand and walk away from what I loved doing most.... helping helpless animals ... for a cat named Frankie. Frankie came in as a TNR cat to Pet Rescue and I was told that Dr. Rykoff asked Penny to accept the cat. From day one the cat lived in fear of its own live. Once being free to roam would now be stuffed into a 3 sided metal cage living day to day with mental torture. I will never forget the suffering this cat endured. Once large, strong and would end up surrendering his tiny frail and emaciated body becasue he simply could not fight the fight anymore.
The best thing that could of happened to this cat was his death. Unfortunetly, the no-kill shelter he was living at would become a slow kill shelter for him and many others.