

Little Francine is part Lhasa Apso (a mix). Her issues were skin bumps

which had not been definitively diagnosed, and she has kennel cough. She
is 8 years old, and scared but very huggable.

Louise the visually challenged grey Poodle, is listed as 6 years old
(may be a little older), and has a slight heart murmur, cataracts, and
suggested but presently undiagnosed hypertensive condition. She, too, is
very gentle and loving. It's hard to put her down once you pick her up!

Chula is a nervous little 7-year-old mini-Pinscher/possible Chihuahua or
Jack Russell mix, who has a slight heart murmur and a little bump on his
right front leg which is undiagnosed. He was surrendered by owners who
said he doesn't like children.

Nemo is a Jack Russell Terrier, one and a half years old, who is
heartworm-positive. He was surrendered by owners because he is too
high-strung for kids, and he was apparently not housebroken and messing

Lee Lee is a 3-month-old Pit Bull mix puppy who was dropped by an owner
who said they were moving and couldn't take her along. She is friendly
and affectionate and freckles and hazel green eyes! has no listed health
issues, and has the most gorgeous freckles and hazel green eyes!

Dash is one of a pair of 10-year-old Mini-Pinscher brothers who only
have a couple of days left at Anti Cruelty. They are both very cuddly
and sweet, but everyone seems to pass them by. They seem to know they
are doomed to die.

Here is Flash, brother of Dash. They are both 10 years old and
very cuddly boys, but looking very doomed on Death Row.

Diego is a stunning year-and-a-half old neutered male Siberian Husky who
was left by an owner who said he had dominance/aggression issues. He was
evaluated and found to indeed be aggressive. He is listed for
breed-specific rescues only, someone who is familiar with and knows how
to work with the breed.